Friday, March 18, 2011

Joshua's Birthday Meal in Pictures

Joshua's 12th birthday meal - He picked his favorites!
Cowboy Cut Grilled Ribeye Steaks
Twice-baked potatoes
Oven-roasted broccoli and fresh garlic
Grilled asparagus

Triple Yum -- Cowboy cut Ribeye Steaks.

Twice-baked potatoes

Oven-roasted broccoli and fresh garlic

Grilled asparagus (broiled because we ran out of gas for the grill)

Finished product -- Twice baked potatoes were scrumptious!

Roasted is best -- keeps all the vitamins in the veggies. Note the nutty roasted garlic bits.

Grilled steak was delightfully good.

Not as good as grilled asparagus, but still very tasty.

Finished plating.

Oops -- someone forgot the broccoli!

One Question: Was it a good birthday meal? I'd say, "A resounding yes!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh man...I missed a good meal, the only thing missing was the Aunt Dru cake, coming soon to a kitchen near you! ;)

